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 Hero vs. Villain MEP voting

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3 posters

Which songs do you want to work with?
Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap3%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 3% [ 1 ]
Eyes on Fire (Dubstep version) - Blue Foundation
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap6%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 2 ]
Courtesy Call - Thousand Foot Crutch
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap29%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 9 ]
Crush - Pendulum
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap13%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 13% [ 4 ]
Erasus - Celldweller
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap3%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 3% [ 1 ]
Final Fantasy XIII Soundrack - Battle Music
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap0%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
War of Change - Thousand Foot Crutch
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap16%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 16% [ 5 ]
Attack - 30 Seconds to Mars
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap16%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 16% [ 5 ]
Hero (Legend of Doom Remix) - Skillet
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap10%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 10% [ 3 ]
Evanescence - Bring me to life
Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_lcap3%Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_vote_rcap
 3% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 31


Posts : 135
Join date : 2012-04-10
Age : 30
Location : Scotland

Hero vs. Villain MEP voting Empty
PostSubject: Hero vs. Villain MEP voting   Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2012 2:24 am

Here's the list, quite a lot of songs didn't fit, I tried to make it fair Smile Multiple choice allowed, as always.
The poll will stay open for at least three days =)

Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation

Eyes on Fire (Dubstep version) - Blue Foundation

Coutesy Call - Thousand Foot Crutch

Crush - Pendulum

Erasus - Celldweller

Final Fantasy XIII Soundrack - Battle Music

War of Change - Thousand Foot Crutch

Attack - 30 Seconds to Mars

Hero (Legend of Doom Remix) - Skillet

Evanescence - Bring me to life

Last edited by Mireiyu on Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 18
Join date : 2012-06-04
Age : 33
Location : North Carolina

Hero vs. Villain MEP voting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero vs. Villain MEP voting   Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2012 2:40 pm

Coutesy Call - Thousand Foot Crutch
yeahh gotta love dis epic song! my choice
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Join date : 2012-06-04
Age : 31
Location : Germany

Hero vs. Villain MEP voting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero vs. Villain MEP voting   Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 3:58 am

Seems like my fav suggested song will be the our next MEP song 8D

BTW for this MEP we'll need a "hero" and a "villain" in each part right? ;o
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Posts : 135
Join date : 2012-04-10
Age : 30
Location : Scotland

Hero vs. Villain MEP voting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero vs. Villain MEP voting   Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 4:18 am

Cazybunny wrote:
Seems like my fav suggested song will be the our next MEP song 8D

BTW for this MEP we'll need a "hero" and a "villain" in each part right? ;o

yup, and it's gonna be awesome~

the plan is to have one half of us focus on a hero and the other half focus on a villain. Of course we know, that to properly portray your character you will have to show him/her interact with other charas/villains/heroes. But the focus should stay on only one character per part Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Hero vs. Villain MEP voting   Hero vs. Villain MEP voting I_icon_minitime

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